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Tag: ihw1

US Asylum and Refugee Immigration System

Asylum and refugee status are two forms of international protection for individuals fleeing persecution and danger. The US immigration system allows pathways for asylum seekers

Family Visa USA: A Comprehensive Guide

Family-based visas allow US citizens and Green Card holders to sponsor their relatives to join them in the USA. Their role is to facilitate family

Secure Permanent Residency in the US

Obtaining permanent residency in the US, or a green card, is a mandatory requirement for foreign nationals looking to live Stateside on an indefinite basis.

H1B Visa: Ultimate Guide for US Employers

The H-1B visa allows US employers to sponsor graduate-level foreign nationals in specialty occupations for a specific period. To be eligible, the worker must have certain skills

Obtaining a Work Visa USA in 2024

The United States offers incredible prospects to foreign nationals looking for new work opportunities. There is a broad range of US work visa classifications to

E2 Visa: An Ultimate Guide

The E2 visa is the primary US immigration route for investors, entrepreneurs, and business owners making a substantial investment in a new or existing enterprise in

The I-129S Form: A Complete Guide

The I-129S Form is used by companies with approved Blanket L certification to transfer overseas employees to the US quickly without having to file individual

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